Friday, June 4, 2010

Thanks for the comments...we love hearing from you too!

So we just so happened to get to come into town today for a bit and use the internet so I thought I would share a quick post because we were so excited for the comments we got back!

Since the last post not much has happened. We have finished another week at school and headed into the next weekend. We went out to a bar last night called Kool Bar with everyone that will be leaving on Saturday since we wont get to do much tonight (most are leaving pretty early in the morning saturday). We met Abas, he is from Bushman and took us on our safari, I call him Dad because he is just a really fun comforting guy, great company. And he is a great dancer too! We also met our good friend Eddie there. He brought along some friends too. Eddie is the owner of Pristine, which is who we went on our hike with. He is also the son of a lady who used to run the CCS Moshi home base. So he very trustworthy and is always watching out for our best interest!

I think one of my favorite things is riding in the back of his truck (for free) but at night Africa just smells good and the stars are so beautiful. No better way to get home!

One good school story from today featuring the ever famous Ithan. He was being adorably obnoxious, per usual, and we were playing with playdough. The teacher tells the kids, "Dont eat it or you will die" (haha) and Ithans response to her was "If you eat it you will go to Satan". It was hilarious. He can be so charming but about 10 minutes later he ran to jump on me and didn't like that I took his toy so he bit me...I made him apologize!

Other than that school was very relaxed today, we sang a lot and had to play inside the whole day because it was raining. Gab, another little girl in my class, has had some bathroom issues as of lately. Yesterday she pooped in her pants and today she peed in her pants two times. So we are working on that.

Tomorrow we will be meeting all of the 27 new people coming to CCS. Hopefully they are as cool as the ones leaving :(

We promise to update again soon.

Also, I must say "HAPPY BIRTDAY" to Wyatt! My nephew who is turning one today! I cant believe it! I wish I could be there but everyone else enjoy a great party and post pictures on facebook!

with love!


  1. So excited to see another post today . . . completely unexpected to see an update so soon . . . that little Ithan sounds like he enjoys attention:) Although, I did hear that eating playdough is a slippery slope on the way to Satan. . . Also, I love to hear that Africa nights "just smell good" . . . I can only imagine how fresh the air must be! I know it will be sad to say goodbye to the friends you have met, but I'm sure you two will make the incoming volunteers feel "at home" . . . I can't think of anyone who could make people feel welcome more than you two!!! Keep posting . . . I love you both . . . STAY SAFE!

  2. hahahaha I laugh out loud at every one of your posts cause I can just hear you both talking like we're in the same room. I love you both so, so, so much and am SO glad you're having an awesome time. Kasey, I don't really know much about soccer, but I think a soccer jersey would be awesome. So get me one! :) Amy, if I had been climbing with you, I would have hyperventilated too. We could have cried together. BE SAFE!!

  3. Hi, Amy and Kasey!! Hope you are having another fantastic weekend full of adventures! I love to imagine being there with you as I listen to your unbelievable stories! I hope you have met many new housemates and made many new friends already! I gave Wyatt lots of kisses and a few from you too! He had the biggest birthday bash ever! He really likes his rocking and talking moo cow he can ride, his cozy coupe car, and his covered wagon!! I hope you are feeling better every day! Be safe and stay together!! Love you both bunches! Sending hugs and kisses!! XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO Can't wait to hear from you both soon! Love, Mom Cindy

  4. Thanks for the birthday shout out for Wyatt. He missed having you here, but will be excited for you to get back. He got a ton of great new toys and cute clothes! He is spoiled rotten! =)

    Love you!


  5. Hi Amy and Kasey!
    So exciting to hear all the wonderful stories, I know you will both always cherish this trip,
    Miss you,
    Love, Dad Scott
